While the Veterans Administration has received a wide range of criticism over recent years, the quality of Veterans Affairs medical care appears to be well received and appreciated among the veteran community. According to NPR, survey results from last month showed that Veterans Affairs hospitals were ranked higher than private hospitals ten categories of patient satisfaction. The survey, known as HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) was a nationwide effort conducted through the Medicare system which rated both VA and private healthcare facilities on a variety of areas such as patient satisfaction, hospital cleanliness, and communication with medical staff. And before anyone disregards these results as a single data point, this recent survey is in line with multiple systematic reviews of VA health care by well-known medical institutions such as the Journal of General Internal Medicine and the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. The conclusions throughout these sources are clear: VA health care is consistently as good or, sometimes, better than, non-VA care.
Given this information, Beaufort County is in an exceptionally fortunate place for veterans healthcare as the county is home to Naval Hospital Beaufort. Anyone driving over the McTeer Bridge or visiting the waterfronts of Port Royal has undoubtedly seen the huge hospital building rising among scenic groves of Spanish Moss trees, but it’s easy to forget just how significant such a facility is. Naval Hospital Beaufort is one of only a handful of standalone VA or military hospitals not attached to a larger installation. Its location provides gives veteran residents of the Lowcountry their own dedicated place to receive a variety of medical care without the hassle of traveling to a more populated area such as Charleston or Savannah. The uniqueness of the facility is also a charming addition to the Beaufort area. The hospital building itself was built in 1949 on beautiful waterfront property in the shape of a Naval anchor and so lends a historic characteristic to the waterfront installation.
Of course, as many readers are no doubt aware, there are plans in progress for Naval Hospital Beaufort’s closure. If these plans are officially adopted, the installation will close entirely and consolidate its functions which will allow the Navy to both upgrade to new medical facilities and save on the upkeep required for the aging hospital building. But this does not mean that the benefits of the Hospital will leave Beaufort County. The Veterans Administration has already announced plans to build a new clinic in the immediate Beaufort area to replace its dedicated floor in the current hospital, and the Hospital’s services to active duty Marines will be relocated to a new facility on MCAS Beaufort. Meanwhile, plans to redevelop the future vacant hospital site are in the works (check back in with this blog for an update on that soon!). Just as the military does not abandon its own, Naval Hospital Beaufort will continue to serve the Beaufort community in spirit, both in new clinic locations, and as a feature of the Port Royal Sound waterfront for many more years to come.