The Military Enhancement Committee of Beaufort County is an auxiliary committee to the Beaufort Regional Chamber which is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. All the appointed members of the Military Enhancement Committee (MEC) serve without pay and most of the day-to-day operational costs of the MEC are covered by the Chamber. As such, administrative costs to operate the MEC remain low and you, as a donor, can rest assured that the dollars you are donating will go directly to protecting, enhancing and growing the military presence in Beaufort County.

Please excuse us while we develop a web-based solution to make donations easier. In the meantime, please contact the Beaufort Regional Chamber at if you would like to make a donation in support of the MEC.

The Military Enhancement Committee (MEC) of Beaufort County Support Fund is a charitable fund administered by the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry. Its mission is to enhance the quality and value of the military installations of Beaufort County, namely, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, Naval Air Station Beaufort, and Beaufort Naval Hospital. The MEC seeks to defend these installations against any threats like closure or natural disaster, while also positioning them for enhancement through personnel, resources, and other opportunities that both benefit the Department of Defense and our region.